Anti-Sanskrit movement?
One blogger StyleyGeek said...
"Daily meltdown
or This is what a PhD thesis does to your brain
I hate stupid Sanskrit with its stupid grammars written by old dead Germans who don't know how to use section headings or an index or even a freaking table of contents, and their stupid refusal to ever tell you EVER what order words go in, like it's possible to know a language without knowing anything about its word order* just as long as you can decline its stupid nouns and conjugate its stupid verbs, and I especially hate ones that are written in stupid French so I have to read extra slow, with no stupid glosses for the stupid Sanskrit examples, and most of all the ones with no freaking TRANSLITERATIONS like we all have nothing better to do while sitting around reading French written by old dead Germans than to try and decipher the freaking devanagari writing system just to see whether there's an adjective after that noun or not.
And did I mention stupid French grammars of Sanskrit (written by old dead Germans) that are full of examples that totally disprove my main argument for chapter six?
Because I hate them the most.
* And don't tell me Sanskrit has "free" word order. I've heard that one from the tiny number of old dead Germans who mention word order at all, and if you want me to believe that sort of assertion then I want a corpus analysis with convincing statistics (or at the very least some freaking glossed examples) to demonstrate it."
IN answer to THESE reproaches...
Do you mean hating Sanskrit or only its stupid grammars written by German and French scholars? Do you really consider artificial programming Sanskrit language with boundless possibilities of expression to be stupid and English with its destroyed during the Great Phonetic Shift grammar and consecutive rigid word order to be flexible enough for optimized programming? Right, you cannot know anything without knowing something about its logical order. Grammar is logics or most essential part of it. Sanskrit logics is thousands times more complicated than English. Declination of its “stupid” nouns and conjugation of its “stupid” verbs is artificial highly sophisticated formal logical instrument removing any ambiguity within absolute freedom not only of words but even of syllables. This freedom of phonemic order is not attainable by any vernacular in the world least of all by rigid English. Freaking TRANSLITERATION is needed only in such degraded vernacular languages as English. Any really developed LANGUAGE DOES NOT need it. Especially, devanagari writing system with several hundreds letters, where the rule ‘what you here so you write’ is an axiom. Your stupid arrogance is baseless. European Sanskrit grammars of the 19th c. might have been stupid; they all were products of a very young linguistics. But why cannot you apply your brilliant brain to the ancient Vedic algebraic grammar of Panini or Vedic metrics of Pingala? Why nobody can do it till present? Everybody understands that one life so dear to him or her is not enough for the purpose of decoding and deciphering the Vedas along the lines of autochthonous Vedic mathematical-logical tradition. Without mastering the science of full concentration and dedication (yoga), without cosmic ethics (Vedanta), without full-developed intuition and integral logics (nyaya-vaisheshika), whithout the knowledge of Vedic textology and chrono-programming (mimansa), without study of the Vedas (SCIENCES – ANALITICS OF LANGUAGE OR GRAMMAR ETC.), nobody of sound mind won’t dare to deny their value.
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Mikhail :).
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