Sanskrit is the greatest language of the world
It is no small wonder that the language which was used before thousands of years is being used today in the same way. There is no change in the structure or in the style of Sanskrit language and hence the old literature of the ancient India can be understood and learnt without slightest difficulty. The language of Ramayana and Mahabharata has not grown old or become outdated. Anybody with the rudimentary knowledge of Sanskrit can go through the great epics with the minimum possible efforts. The languages which are much much younger to Sanskrit have undergone so much changes that their original form has been lost in oblivion. The credit of this maintenance of Sanskrit’s eternal beauty through the ages goes to the great intellectual giant Panini.
The grand grammar of Panini is the unending source of rejuvenation for the great language. Having been stabilised by the grammar of Panini the language is capable of sustaining the attack of time and is always up-to-date in nature. Not only this, the whole world admits that Sanskrit is the most scientific language among all the languages known so far. It has been found to be the most suitable language for computer because of its scientific nature. As a result now students even in the Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology of America are being taught about the structure of Sanskrit because of its fitness in computer. Read more
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I disagree with the author's view about the Greatest Language.
Yes Sanskrit is a great language no doubt about that but it is not the greatest second only to Tamil.
Yes I agree the epic Ramayana and Mahabharatha were written in Sanskrit.
The 106 Divyadesam Temples were built after the Hymns were sung in Tamil by Ahzwaars including the temples in Badrinath, Nepal, Dwaraka, Mathura.
This is the only reason required to prove that Tamil is the Greatest. You may agree or not but that is a fact.
jai simha f@#* you sanskrit is da the greatest and will be da greatest forever...!! u f#$%@%* tamilians neva give up your language dats why...!! sanskrit is da mother of al languages on earth...!! tamil has a history of only 1000 years whereas sanskrit has a hisory of 10000 years...!! please learn some history before uttering some shit lyk dis...!!
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